Blogs: Here I am, minding my own business when i suddenly felt like putting an "I'm a Mormon" button on my blog. I'm not as blog savy as I'd like to be so naturally I went to Google to try and figure things out. As I was wandering in the world wide web, I saw this blog. I'm sure you'll see why it peaked my interest. I hope none of you are uncomfortable by this post. I'm just simply sharing my thoughts.
Thought #1: umm...
*Okay, I started writing this post a couple of days ago and I've officially forgotten my thoughts. If I remember them later then I'll say what they were.
Anywho, I really like this guy's point-of-view. I also love reading about his testimony and how strong it is. For example, this post. I absolutely love it! I would never be able to think of something like that.
I also like really like their blog (i freakin LOVE it), her blog (awesome stuff), and his blog (it's just nice to know what's going on).
Okay, Okay. This post isn't going to be focused on blogs. Let's move on to other things...
Youtube: Let's just say, I love it.
Some of my favorite people are Mitchell Davis, Julian Smith, and anybody on Vevo.
I can spend hours on Youtube, which is kinda scary. I love that I can learn things from other people. It's just genius.
I really like this.
Google: "Google it" Google-ing things is one of my favorite things to. It's awesome. I google EVERYTHING. I google people like him. I google song lyrics like these. I google questions like this.
Now that I've gotten all link happy, I'm gonna go back to work. :)
Have a good day!
PS: if you want a mormon badge you need to set up a profile on then click on "share your profile" and it will give you a bunch of different buttons to choose from. pretty awesome.