Thursday, November 27, 2014

One Day I Moved to Provo, UT


Approximately 60 weeks ago, I moved to Provo, UT. I was 22, slightly depressed, and going nowhere in life. Well, I thought so. 

One night, I was at FHE and my friend Kira decided to inform me that her sister, Miranda, was in need of a roommate. This was a normal conversation with me and the Johnson family. Miranda had been trying to get me to move in with her for the last 3 years. This time was different though. At the time, I was feeling stagnant... or depressed. I don't know which. Some of my best friends were about to get married, others where leaving for Rexburg to further their education, or some of them were about to graduate college. *pity party ahead* Me on the other hand... not dating, dropped out of college, and working a part time job in retail. I'd hit rock bottom. I don't really know what my parents thought of me. Honestly, I didn't want to know. I felt like a failure and that was that.

Back to my story.

I quickly text Miranda that night and asked if i could live with her. That next week I had to try to come up with a plan to see if i could even support myself. I spoke to my parents and they gave me their blessing. I spoke to my manager and she gave me her blessing by telling me that if things didn't work out, then i could go back, no questions asked.

October 4, 2013, I packed up my car and started driving to little ol' Provo, Utah. The place where marriage hungry, straight lace, uptight people moved. Sammi and Cassidy were my road-trip buddies. Sammi and I had originally planned to visit our friends in Utah. Now, instead of going back home with her, she'd be dropping me off. Stephanie and Emil were nice enough to let us crash in their tiny apartment for the weekend and drive us to SLC to go see conference.

It was the most terrifying thing I'd ever done. I quickly found a job, eventually made some friends, who became my Utah family, and started a new journey. That's where I am now. If you ever wonder what I'm doing, just read a post or two and meet the people I'm with day in and day out.

One Day? More Like 1,095 Days Later...

Hello friends!

It has been exactly 1,095 days since my last post. Yes, I really did the math. even then, my last post was a guest post from a friend. Anywho, last time i posted something, it was about my 21st birthday. Well, I am now 24. I'm both more and less mature than when I last shared details about my life. I've made some adult decisions and made some childish mistakes... Lets be honest, i don't remember the mistakes, I try to black out those trying times in my life.

Moving on, I just wanted to say hello again. I updated the look of my blog. I rewrote my silly "About Me" tab. Changed the font and color of the text. I'm basically a new person.

Lets add a picture... because who doesn't like pictures?