November 6th was my 21st birthday... Yay! My family decided to take me to a Raider game. I know what your thinking, Why do they hate me so much, right? Well if you have the mentality of its-the-thought-that-counts, then it's not so bad. You see, the fam is a big football/raider fan. I took one for the team and stuck it out so i could spend my birthday with them. I got to see my lovely cousin who i haven't seen in months. I got to eat delicious food that my parents made (okay, so i get that everyday). I was able to have the tailgating experience with friends and family. I even saw people I haven't seen since high school. I'm not gonna lie, it was a little weird that my uncle hangs out with people i know/knew. But what's new?
There was only one person missing... Norma. That little ray of sunshine is in Texas. I had the crazy older one, i was just missing the awkward younger one.
Anyway, tailgating was pretty fun. I made lots of new friends. The game itself was interesting. It was going good til the last quarter, then the Raiders completely lost it. What's new, right? My favorite part was half time. Apparently it was military appreciation day. Have y'all seen the show Coming Home? Google it. All I'm gonna say is be sure to watch it in March. I was there when it happened. Yes, i was a smidg emotional. It was great. What wasn't great was the 2 hours it took to get out. I'm not a fan of crowds.
That's it for now. I had some fun. Next is a Niner game with the other side of my family. The End. :)
i would be totally lost at a football game. i tried an A's/Giants game once and it was so cold i couldn't pay attention to the game. and it took us 30 minutes to get out of the stadium because NONE of us could remember where we had parked. it was one of THOSE nights.