First things first...
I am unsatisfied with my blog so I'm going to try to change it up a little. I'm not the best writer but hey, what better way to practice right?
This month has been awesome. I've never done so many things, for Halloween, in my life! Tyff told me about her plans for October and told me that i could participate in whatever i wanted with her.
Looking Back...
1st weekend of Oct. was conference but that didn't stop us. We went to the annual Pumpkin Festival.
The Monday after that we made Halloween Treats for my FHE group.
The week after that we went to see a scary move, Case 39, went to the Spirits store, watched Tim Burton movies and colored in our Halloween coloring books.
The third week of October we went to a SUPER scary place called Pirates of Emerson. It scarred the beegeezees outta me. We also went to the YSA Halloween activity and made a scary movie.
The last week of October was definitely the best. We started out the week by going to Del Oso Farms. The next day we carved our pumpkins. We went shopping for our costumes. We went to an AMAZING Halloween party at Shannon's house. Then finally after waiting for so the the day was here to celebrate. We went to the Lloyd's home to party it up. That night we went trick-or-treating, told scary stories, and played Just Dance.
Well, that's it for now.
ps. Most pictures came from Tyffany's blog. Check it out!
maggie, you should write more often. i love reading your blog :)