Wednesday, December 29, 2010

One Day I Got A Job At Bass Pro Shops...

I FINALLY got a job!! Well, a seasonal job. I was hired to be one of Santa's Helpers in Santa's Wonderland in Bass Pro. I played games with little kids all day and got paid for it. I like to think it was a pretty easy thing to do. Yea, I got the angery parent every now and them but it was nothin we couldn't handle. I made a couple of new friends like: Angela, Crystal, and Zephan, and reunited with a couple of old friends like: Jackie and Stephanie.
At first I was placed at a station called Cozy Critter.... Let me tell ya. It was not my favorite. Then, I was got switched to the games where I stood for the rest of my time there. :) Near the end, I tried ditching the games to talk to the people in the line for pictures.

When we first started it was SO slow that we took it upon ourselves to have fun in the Wonderland. We learned how to play all the games. Not only that, we became experts. The only game that none of us understood was that stupid Hunting game!! But on the upside, when we got tried of playing games we took pictures with Santa! :D
I'm sad that it ended but i'm happy that parents no longer tell their kids that I'm the reason their Christmas was ruined. Yea, someone actually pulled that card. I even had little kids give me dirty looks because their parents didn't want to wait in line to take a picture.

Well, hopefully I can find another job soon. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One Day We Found An iPod and A Camera...

So, last Thursday I picked up Tyff to go out. Well, we had no set plans so it was more of a random outing. Our evening started out rather swell. We went to my house to eat dinner with the Sisters then, we were supposed to help my mom make some Christmas ornaments for some event that she's helping out with. After we dropped off Norma we were on our way to meet my mom but she called us and said that we were no longer needed. I asked Tyffany if she wanted to go home yet and she said no. We got off the freeway and started driving around town, thinking of something to do.

It all started with a question...

"Do you have your camera?"

We knew that we wanted to take picture but the next question was Of What?

To make a long story short we started to take random pictures of ourselves while listening to music on Tyff's iPod. Whatever the song reminded us of, we tried our best to make that scene happen.

I guess this is more of a picture blog. (do those exist?) But that's totally the fun part! :D
Here are some of the best ones...


Change The World

These Arms Of Mine

1, 2, Step

China Girl

Friday, October 29, 2010

One Day I Decided To Like October...

First things first...

I am unsatisfied with my blog so I'm going to try to change it up a little. I'm not the best writer but hey, what better way to practice right?

This month has been awesome. I've never done so many things, for Halloween, in my life! Tyff told me about her plans for October and told me that i could participate in whatever i wanted with her.

Looking Back...
1st weekend of Oct. was conference but that didn't stop us. We went to the annual Pumpkin Festival.

The Monday after that we made Halloween Treats for my FHE group.

The week after that we went to see a scary move, Case 39, went to the Spirits store, watched Tim Burton movies and colored in our Halloween coloring books.

The third week of October we went to a SUPER scary place called Pirates of Emerson. It scarred the beegeezees outta me. We also went to the YSA Halloween activity and made a scary movie.

The last week of October was definitely the best. We started out the week by going to Del Oso Farms. The next day we carved our pumpkins. We went shopping for our costumes. We went to an AMAZING Halloween party at Shannon's house. Then finally after waiting for so the the day was here to celebrate. We went to the Lloyd's home to party it up. That night we went trick-or-treating, told scary stories, and played Just Dance.

Well, that's it for now.

ps. Most pictures came from Tyffany's blog. Check it out!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Day I Realized I Loved My Tolman Orphens...

One Day I Realized Just How Much I Really Loved People With The Last Name "Tolman"
It all started with Kelsey Marie.
We enjoyed each others presence but didn't know why.
But we still went along with that feeling and continued to be friends.

Before we knew it, we were going to foreign cities (Sacramento) to visit others like ourselves (YSA Conference)
As the days got colder Kelsey Marie had to leave to another place far far away to further her education. (BYU-I)
As we were saying our goodbyes another soul came into my life...
Tyffany Christine
She is very special to me.
We go to Denny's at 9 pm.
We tend to quote movies alot.
We talk about funny things.
La Red

Sunday, August 15, 2010

One day I had a sister from Spain...

One day I had a sister from Spain...

Meet Raquel


She came on June 28, 2010


We had many adventures together.


I took her to FHE with me.


I went to Yosemite and Santa Cruz with her.


She made many new friends of all ages.


She really loves chocolate.


We took her to the Eclipse premeire and she loved it.

She says shes "Team Jacob"


I hope that someday I will be able to see her again.


I wouldn't mind going to Spain.


We are hoping that she will come to Los Angeles next year.


I wouldn't mind going there to see her either.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

One day I went to Fenton's Creamery...

One day I went to Fenton's Creamery in Oakland.
It was mighty de-lish.

Me and Miranda shared an ice-cream
It was Vanilla with a browine on the bottom.
We had a very good time.
We went after our visit to the Oakland Temple
One day I'll go back.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

One day i will learn how to blog...

One day I will learn how to blog.


Since i don't keep a jounal, I thought this would be a cool way to to to document my life.


Rachel was my inspiration.


i heart how she hearts.


I'm not sure how to kick off this whole blogging thing, but one day i will be a pro.
